Have you ever thought about what your physical condition will be like when you are approaching middle age or towards your 60s, 70s, or even 80s?
Ageing is a natural phenomenon that affects everyone. The combined influence of genetics and environment shows signs of ageing, including dry skin, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, memory loss, hair loss, and a weakened immune system. In the thriving era of the 21st century, we possess the ability to delay the ageing process through cellular therapy, boosting our immune system to achieve a better quality of life.
Cell therapy involves introducing younger cells into the human body and activating its inherent self-healing mechanisms to fortify the immune system and combat diseases effectively.There are mainly two types of cell therapy: stem cell therapy and immunotherapy.
With the rapid progress in medicine, scientists are increasingly finding that the origins of ageing and age-related diseases often result from a unhealthy lifestyles and genetic traits.